Xue Liu

ABSTRACT:With the completion of the eight rounds of negotiations on the GATT, the world has formed a trend to promote trade freedom. Tariffs under the influence of the WTO have been significantly reduced. The traditional role of tariff barriers has gradually declined. At the same time, non-tariff barriers and new trade barriers began to rise. The emergence of new trade barriers centered on technical trade barriers has brought unavoidable impact on China’s export trade. For china, the emergence of trade barriers is an opportunity and a challenge. This article analyzes the impact of new trade barriers on China’s export trade in terms of technical barriers, blue trade barriers and green trade barriers through comparative analysis. The analysis concluded that the new type of trade barriers is conducive to promoting China’s technological upgrading and improving the social and natural environment. On the other hand, as a new type of flexible trade barrier, it will inevitably hinder China’s export trade. For China, both the government and the enterprise must pay attention to the impact of new trade barriers.

Keywords:New trade barriers, Technical barriers to trade, Green trade barrier, Blue trade barriers