Katarzyna Grzybowska, Anna Łupicka

ABSTRACT: Dynamic development of manufacturing Industry 4.0 is a result of some processes, for example: internationalization, information technology development and also hyper competition. The demand for special skills will drive the shift of job creation within the Industry 4.0 requiring more qualified managers. The high tech manufacturing environment will need both skilled managerial labor and production labor with expertise to work with new materials, machines, and especially information. The demand for special skills will drive the shift of job creation within the Industry 4.0 requiring more qualified managers. The purpose of this article is to find the answer to the following question: what kind of competencies needs contemporary managers to cope with new challenges in Industry 4.0? In this paper the literature review in question has been a point of departure for empirical studies. The presented study contributes to research by providing a starting-point for further research regarding employee competencies for Industry 4.0.

Keywords: Exchange in the Market, Industry 4.0, development of manufacturing, future competencies, managerial competencies