Prutyumon Lepananon, Yuwaree Choksuansab, Korakit Choomgrant

ABSTRACT: This paper entitled “Women’s Rights: Thai Women’s Status in Reality” is part of the research project of “The Current Status of the Sustainable Development Goal 5 in The Current Context of Thailand: Gender Equality” and has been designed to employ exploratory and qualitative research method. The data analyzed and synthesized in this paper include relevant statistics and literatures based on the issue of gender equality, particularly the target goal 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation. The paper reveals that violence against women and girls exists at high level in Thailand. The status of Thai women is not as accepted as Thai men. The Thai government has shown greater attempts to solve this issue by imposing laws and regulations as well as measures. One of the possible approaches to erase the problem is to tackle with the root cause which is the perception and attitude of gender differences through appropriate socialization processes i.e. formal and informal education.

Keywords: Gender Equality, Thailand, Women, Violence, Socialization.